Scholarship in Early Modern Philosophy
Igor Agostini
La démonstration de l’existence de Dieu. Les conclusions des cinq voies de Thomas d’Aquin et la preuve a priori dans le thomisme du XVIIe siècle (Turnhout : Brepols, 2016).
«Descartes and More on the infinity of the world», British Journal of the History of Philosophy, 25 (2017): 5-19.
«Descartes’s Philosophical Theology», in The Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism, ed. by Steven Nadler, Tad M. Schmaltz, and Delphine Antoine-Mahut (Oxford, 2019), 209-225.
«Nature et suppôt. Du thomisme moderne aux lectures contemporaines du Quodlibet II de Thomas d’Aquin», Les Études philosophiques 141 (2022) : 109-141.
«Thinking the Infinite. On the Alleged Infinity of the Objective Reality of the Idea of God in Descartes», Rivista di Filosofia 113 (2022): 77-106.
Siegrid Agostini
Les lettres de Monsieur Claude Clerselier (1644-1681), Turnhout: Brepols, 2021.
“Claude Clerselier lettore del dubbio di René Descartes”, Educação e Filosofia, 34 (2021): 1077-1103.
“Clerselier and Descartes: Pagani habuerunt ideam plurium Deorum”, Historia Philosophica 15 (2017): 135-145.
“Appunti per la costituzione della voce «Analogia» del Nouvel Index scolastico-cartésien”, Archivio di Filosofia 86 (2016): 129-139.
« Une contribution inédite de Pierre-Hector Chanut aux débats post-cartésiens sur la transsubstantiation », in S. Agostini and M. Teresa Bruno (eds.), Pierre Chanut (1601-1662), diplomat et philosophe, Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 87-99 (forthcoming).
Donald C. Ainslie
Hume’s True Scepticism (OUP, 2015).
The Cambridge Companion to Hume’s Treatise (co-edited with Annemarie Butler; CUP, 2015).
Hume’s System of Ethics (under contract with OUP).
Vlad Alexandrescu
Croisées de la Modernité. Hypostases de l’esprit et de l’individu au XVIIe siècle, București, Zeta Books, 2012.
“What Someone May Have Whispered in Elisabeth’s Ear”, Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy, 6 (2012): 1-27.
“Regius and Gassendi on the Human Soul”, Intellectual History Review 23 (2013): 1-23.
"Spinoza’s Missing Physiology", Perspectives on Science 27 (2019): 214-243.
"The mind-body problem and the role of pain : cross-fire between Leibniz and his Cartesian readers", British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (2018): 25-45.
"Tirer sur la corde. Douleur et vivisection animale à l’Âge classique", in M. Bedon, J.-L. Lantoine (eds.), L’homme et la brute au XVIIe siècle. Une éthique animale à l’âge classique, Lyon: ENS Éditions, 2022, pp. 83-104.
"Human Brain and Human Mind. The Discourse on the Anatomy of the Brain and its philosophical reception" in R. Andrault & M. Lærke (eds.), Steno and the Philosophers, Leiden: Brill, 2018, pp. 87-112.
La vie selon la raison. Physiologie et métaphysique chez Spinoza et Leibniz, Paris: Honoré Champion, 2014.
Jean-Pascal Anfray
Descartes-More. Correspondance 1648-1655. Lettres traduites, annotées et présentées par Jean-Pascal Anfray, Paris, Eliott, coll. « Réflexions faites », 2023.
« Leibniz and Spinoza on Plenitude and Possibility », in Yitzhak Melamed (éd.), Blackwell Companion to Spinoza, Boston and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2021, pp. 495-505.
« The Unity of Composite Substance: Some Scholastic Background to the Vinculum Substantiale in Leibniz’s correspondence with Des Bosses », Vivarium 58 (2020): 219-252.
« Leibniz and Descartes », in Delphine Antoine-Mahut, Steven Nadler et Tad Schmaltz (éds.), Oxford Handbook to Descartes and Cartesian Philosophy, Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2019, pp.721-737.
« Continuous Creation, Occasionalism, and Persistence. Leibniz on Bayle », in Delphine Antoine-Mahut et Sophie Roux (éds.), Physics and Metaphysics in Descartes and in His Reception, London: Routledge, 2018 pp. 213-242.
« ‘‘Autant de mondes sans connexion’’ : Leibniz et Lewis sur la compossibilité et l’unité du monde », Les Études philosophiques (2016), pp. 537-557.
Delphine Antoine-Mahut
L’autorité d’un canon philosophique. Le cas Descartes. Paris, Vrin, 2021.
Descartes. Une politique des passions. Paris, PUF (Philosophies), 2011.
L’Homme cartésien. La « force qu’a l’âme de mouvoir le corps » : Descartes, Malebranche. Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2009.
The Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism. En collaboration avec Steven Nadler et Tad Schmaltz, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019.
« Figures de Descartes dans l’historiographie française au XIXe siècle », XVIIe Siècle, n° 296, 2022/23, p. 485-494.
« Philosophizing with a Historiographical Figure. Descartes in Degérando’s Comparative History (1804 and 1847)», British Journal for the History of Philosophy, vol. 28, n°3, 2020, p. 533-552.
Roger Ariew
Descartes among the Scholastics (Leiden: Brill, 2011).
Descartes and the First Cartesians (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014).
“The Nature of Cartesian Logic,” Logic and Methodology in the Early Modern Period, ed. Elodie Cassan, Perspectives on Science 29 (2021): 275-91.
René Descartes, The World and Man, ed and trans., Roger Ariew (Indianapolis: Hackett, 2023).
The Complete Correspondence in English Translation, ed. and trans. Roger Ariew and Erik-Jan Bos, 3 vols. (Oxford University Press). Vol. 1, The Early Years to the Discourse and Essays, 1619-1638, in press.
Richard T.W. Arthur
Leibniz: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy. Editor and principal translator, with Richard Francks, Samuel Levey, Jeffrey McDonough, Lea Schroeder and Tzu Chien Tho; proofs corrected; to appear with OUP in 2023.
Leibniz on Time, Space, and Relativity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, December 2021.
The Reality of Time Flow: local becoming in modern physics. Springer, 2019.
Monads, Composition and Force: Ariadnean Threads through Leibniz’s Labyrinth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, October 2018.
Leibniz. Cambridge: Polity Press 2014.
Fabrizio Baldassarri
Il metodo al tavolo anatomico: Descartes e la medicina, 2021.
Vegetative Powers: The Roots of Life in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Natural Philosophy, Springer 2021.
Marta Libertà De Bastiani
Ex auditu, ex signis. Citazioni, riferimenti e storie antiche nella filosofia politica di Spinoza (Milan: Mimesis, 2023).
"Spinoza e le sei storie di Adamo", Rivista di Storia della Filosofia 4 (2022): 684-699.
"Persuadere senza costringere: il Mosè legislatore in Spinoza e Rousseau", Etica & Politica 23 (2021): 73-110.
"Spinoza against political Tacitism: reversing the meaning of Tacitus’ quotes", History of European Ideas 47 (2021): 1043–1060.
“A Social perspective on Desire: the problem of the common good”, In Circolo 9 (2020): 407-420.
Giulia Belgioioso
(ed.), Descartes. Tutte le Lettere. 1619-1650, Milano: Bompiani, 2009.
(ed.), René Descartes. Opere 1637-1649, Milano: Bompiani, 2009.
(ed.), René Descartes. Opere postume 1649-2009, Milano: Bompiani, 2009.
(ed.), René Descartes Isaac Beeckman Marin Mersenne. Lettere 1619-1648, Milano: Bompiani, 2015.
“Les années d’apprentissage dans les premières biographies cartésiennes: de Lipstorp à Baillet”, in D. Arbib, V. Carraud, É. Mehl, W. Schweidler (eds.), Mirabilis scientiae fundamenta. Der Anfang der kartesischen Philosophie, Eichstätter philosophische Beiträge, Freiburg: Nomos/Karl Alber Verlag, 2023, pp. 61-84.
“ ‘À propos de 'quelques philosophes' (Descartes à Chanut, 1er février 1647)”, in S. Agostini and M. T. Bruno (éds.), Pierre Chanut (1601-1662), diplomate et philosophe’, Turnhout: Brepols, 2023, pp. 71-85
Sebastian Bender
"Descartes's Argument for Modal Voluntarism." Inquiry (early view).
"Spinoza on the Essences of Singular Things." Ergo 9.10 (2023): 1-24.
"Localizing Violations of the Principle of Sufficient Reason in Leibniz - Leibniz on the Modal Status of the PSR." Journal of Modern Philosophy 4.1 (2022): 1-20.
"Anne Conway's Metaphysics of Change." History of Philosophy Quarterly 39.1 (2022): 21-44.
"Hume's Deep Anti-Contractarianism." Hume Studies 47.1 (2022): 103-129.
"Leibniz and the 'petites réflexions'." Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 102.4 (2020): 619-645.
"Is Leibniz's Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles Necessary or Contingent?" Philosophers' Imprint 19.42 (2019): 1-20.
Hanoch Ben-Yami
Descartes' Philosophical Revolution: A Reassessment. Springer, 2015.
"Word, Sign and Representation in Descartes." Journal of Early Modern Studies 10, no. 1 (2021): 29–46.
“The Development of Descartes’ Idea of Representation by Correspondence.” Andrea Strazzoni and Marco Sgarbi (eds.): Reading Descartes. Consciousness, Body, and Reasoning, pp. 41-57. Firenze University Press, 2023.
Zvi Biener
“Working Hypothesis, Mathematical Representation, and the Logic of Theory Mediation in Newton's Principia” (with Mary Domski), in Chris Smeenk and Marius Stan (eds.), Theory, Evidence, Data: the Philosophical Legacy of George E. Smith (Springer, Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, forthcoming)
“Mechanics in Newton’s Wake” (with Brian Hepburn), in Dana Jalobeanu and David M. Miller (eds.) The Cambridge History of Philosophy of the Scientific Revolution (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022), 293-312.
“Definitions more Geometrarum and Newton's Scholium on Space and Time”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 72 (2020): 179-191.
“Newton’s Regulae Philosophandi,” in Chris Smeenk and Eric Schliesser (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Isaac Newton. (Oxford University Press, online 2018).
“De Gravitatione Reconsidered: The Changing Significance of Experimental Evidence for Newton’s Metaphysics of Space”, The Journal of the History of Philosophy 55 (2017): 583–608.
Andreas Blank
“Pufendorf and Leibniz on Duties of Esteem in Diplomatic Relations.” Journal of International Political Theory 18 (2022): 186–204.
“On Reconstructing Leibniz’s Metaphysics.” Hungarian Philosophical Review 66 (2022): 69–89.
“Mably on Esteem, Republicanism, and the Question of Human Corruption.” Journal of Modern Philosophy 3 (2021): 1–21.
“Instrumental Causes and the Natural Origin of Souls in Antonio Ponce de Santacruz’s Theory of Animal Generation.” Annals of Science 76 (2019): 184–209.
“Value, Justice and Presumptions in the Late Scholastic Controversy over Price Regulation.” Journal of the History of Ideas 80 (2019): 183–202.
Ruth Boeker
Catharine Trotter Cockburn, Cambridge Elements series on Women in the History of Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023).
Locke on Persons and Personal Identity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021).
“Thomas Reid on Promises and Social Operations of the Human Mind”, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 103 (2022): 350–371.
“Shaftesbury on Liberty and Self-Mastery”, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27 (2019): 731–752.
Julia Borcherding
“The Principle of Sufficient Reason in Modern Moral Philosophy: The Case of Leibniz and Du Châtelet”, forthcoming in The PSR in Early Modern Philosophy (Oxford Philosophical Concepts), ed. F. Amjee & M. Della Rocca, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
“Cavendish on Love and Self-Love”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 121 (2021): 123-145.
“The Metaphysics of Leibniz’s New System”, in Leibniz’s Key Philosophical Writings, ed. P. Lodge & L. Strickland, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2020, 101-122.
“Loving the Body, Loving the Soul: Conway’s Vitalist Critique of Cartesian and Morean Dualism”, Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 9 (2019): 1-35.
“Nothing Is Simply One Thing: Conway on Multiplicities in Causation and Cognition”, in Causation and Cognition in Early Modern Philosophy, ed. S. Bender and D. Perler, London: Routledge 2019, 123- 145.
Deborah Boyle
Mary Shepherd: A Guide. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023.
Margaret Cavendish’s Philosophical Letters (abridged). Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, 2021.
Lady Mary Shepherd: Selected Writings. Library of Scottish Philosophy Series. Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2018.
The Well-Ordered Universe: The Philosophy of Margaret Cavendish. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
“Early Modern Women and the Metaphysics of Free Will.” In The Routledge Handbook of Women and Early Modern European Philosophy, ed. Karen Detlefsen and Lisa Shapiro, 215–27. London: Routledge, 2023.
“Elizabeth Hamilton on Sympathy and the Selfish Principle.” The Journal of Scottish Philosophy 19 (2021): 219–41.
“Elizabeth Hamilton’s Memoirs of Modern Philosophy as a Philosophical Text.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29, no. 6 (December 2021): 1072–98.
“Mary Shepherd on the Meaning of ‘Life.’” British Journal for the History of Philosophy (special issue on Women Philosophers of the Nineteenth Century) 21, no. 2 (March 2021): 208–225.
Shoshana R. Brassfield
Editor, Essays in Philosophy 14 (2013): Special Issue: Cartesian Virtue and Freedom.
“Descartes and the Danger of Irresolution,” Essays in Philosophy 14 (2013): 162–78. Special Issue: Cartesian Virtue and Freedom.
“Never Let the Passions Be Your Guide: Descartes and the Role of the Passions,” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (2012): 459-477.
Deborah Brown
(with Calvin Normore) Descartes and the Ontology of Everyday Life. Oxford University Press, 2019.
(with J. Broad) “The social dimension of generosity in Descartes and Astell”, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 60 (2022): 409-427.
(with J. Broad) “Petticoat power? Mary Astell’s appropriation of heroic virtue for women. Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8 (2022): 1-20.
“Agency, force and inertia in Descartes and Hobbes”. In H. Lagerlund, P. Stillos & B. Hill, eds. Reconsidering Causal Powers: Historical and Conceptual Perspectives. Oxford University Press, 2021, pp. 94-120.
“The metaphysics of Cartesian persons.” In Martina Reuter & Frans Svensson, eds. Mind, Body and Morality: New Perspectives on Descartes and Spinoza. London: Routledge, 2019.
Gregory Brown
The Leibniz-Caroline-Clarke Correspondence, Oxford University Press, 2023.
“The Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence.” In Leibniz’s Key Philosophical Writings, edited by Paul Lodge and Lloyd Strickland (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020), pp. 228-49.
“Happiness and Justice.” In Oxford Handbook of Leibniz, edited by Maria Rosa Antognazza (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018), pp. 623-40.
“Leibniz’s Moral Philosophy.” In The Cambridge History of Moral Philosophy, edited by Sacha Golob and Jens Timmermann (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017), pp. 268-82.
Leibniz on Compossibility and Possible Worlds. Co-edited with Yual Chiek (New York: Springer, 2016).
Sofia Calvente
"La crítica de Margaret Cavendish a la filosofía experimental a la luz de su metafísica." Daimon. Revista internacional de filosofía 89 (2023): 99-116.
“‘The Father of the Experimental Philosophy of the Human Mind.’ Descartes and the Scottish Enlightenment’s Moral Philosophers.” Journal of Scottish Philosophy 20 (2022).
“Simpatía, creencia y experiencia en David Hume.” Ideas y valores. Revista colombiana de filosofía 71 (2022).
“David Hume on the True Philosopher’s Identity.” Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico Nº 111 (2022).
“The B Side of Imagination. Hume on Imperfect Ideas.” Belgrade Philosophical Annual 34 (2021): 53-72.
Laurence Carlin
“Robert Boyle on Explanation and Causality” in The Bloomsbury Companion to Boyle, ed. J. Jones (London: Bloomsbury, 2020).
“Berkeley and Leibniz,” in The Bloomsbury Companion to Berkeley, eds. R. Brook and B. Belfrage (London: Bloomsbury, 2017).
“The Non-Aristotelian Novelty of Leibniz’s Teleology,” The Leibniz Review 21, 2012, 69-90.
“Boyle’s Teleological Mechanism and the Myth of Immanent Teleology,” Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science 43, 2012, 54-63.
“The Importance of Teleology to Robert Boyle’s Natural Philosophy,” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (4), 2011, 665-682.
Émilie Du Châtelet in Relation to Leibniz and Wolff - Similarities and Differences (w/ Jeffrey McDonough). Springer: Dortrecht, forthcoming.
"The Unity of the Principle of Contradiction in Leibniz," Studia Leibnitiana, 2024.
"Émilie Du Châtelet’s Metaphysics in Light of her Concept of ‘A Being’," Journal of Modern Philosophy, 2024.
"Émilie Du Châtelet’s Theory of Simple Beings," Journal for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, vol. 3, 2024.
“Émilie Du Châtelet on the Principle of Contradiction”, in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Émilie du Châtelet, edited by Fatema Amijee, Bloomsbury, forthcoming.
Rachel Cohon
“Hume’s Moral Philosophy,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, first version published Oct. 2004, latest update August 2018.
“The Moral Sentiments in Hume and Adam Smith,” The Oxford Handbook of Moral Psychology, ed. Manuel Vargas and John Doris, Oxford University Press, 2022.
“Hume’s Practice Theory of Promises and its Dissimilar Descendants,” Synthese collection Humeanisms, 2020.
“Virtue as a Means to Happiness in Hume’s Second Enquiry,” in Reading Hume on the Principles of Morals: Essays on the Second Enquiry, Jacqueline Taylor, ed., Oxford University Press, 2020.
Hume’s Morality: Feeling and Fabrication, Oxford University Press, 2008.
Daniel Collette
“Living By Her Laws: Jacqueline Pascal and Women’s Autonomy,” European Journal of Philosophy 32, No. 1 (2023): 32-48. (with Dwight Lewis).
“Wagering with and without Pascal,” Res Philosophica 95, No. 1 (2018): 95-110. (with Joseph Anderson).
“Living By Her Laws: Jacqueline Pascal and Women’s Autonomy,” European Journal of Philosophy (with Dwight Lewis; forthcoming).
The Philosophical Writings of Blaise and Jacqueline Pascal, with Roger Ariew and Aaron Spink (under contract).
Patrick Connolly
“Susanna Newcome and the Origins of Utilitarianism” Utilitas 33 (2021): 384-398.
“Locke’s Theory of Demonstration and Demonstrative Morality” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 98 (2019): 435-451.
“The Idea of Power and Locke’s Taxonomy of Ideas” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (2017): 1-16.
“Lockean Superaddition and Lockean Humility” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 51 (2015): 53-61.
Stephen H. Daniel
George Berkeley and Early Modern Philosophy (Oxford UP 2021).
The Philosophy of Jonathan Edwards (Indiana UP 1994).
Myth and Modern Philosophy (Temple UP 1990).
John Toland: His Methods, Manners, and Mind (McGill‑Queen’s UP 1984).
New Interpretations of Berkeley’s Thought (Humanity Books 2008) (ed).
Reexamining Berkeley’s Philosophy (U Toronto P 2007) (ed).
“Spinoza’s Appropriation of the Medieval Being–Thing Distinction,” Journal of Spinoza Studies 1 (2023).
Antonella Del Prete
"Teaching Cartesian Philosophy in Leiden: Adriaan Heereboord (1613-1661) and Johannes de Raey (1622-1702)," in D. Cellamare and M. Mantovani (eds), Descartes in the Classroom. Teaching Cartesian Philosophy in the Early Modern Age, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2023, p. 60-78.
"À la croisée de traditions différentes. Giordano Bruno et la doctrine des éléments," in E. Mehl and I. Pantin (eds), De mundi recentioribus phænomenis. Cosmologie et science dans l’Europe des Temps modernes. XVe-XVIIe siècles, essais en l’honneur de Miguel Ángel Granada, Turnhout, Brepols, 2022, p. 189-205.
The Philosophers and the Bible. The Debate on Sacred Scripture in Early Modern Thought, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2022 (co-edited with Anna Lisa Schino and Pina Totaro).
"The Prince of Cartesian Philosophers," in S. Nadler, T. M. Schmaltz, and D. Antoine-Mahut, (dir.), Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019, p. 374-387.
"Duplex intellectus et sermo duplex: Method and the Separation of Disciplines in Johannes De Raey," in D. Antoine-Mahut and S. Roux (eds), Physics and Metaphysics in Descartes and his Reception, New York-London, Routledge, 2019, p. 161-174.
"De la raison et de la foi chez Malebranche," in Ch. Bahier-Porte, P.-F. Moreau, D. Reguig (eds), Liberté de conscience et arts de penser (XVI-XVIII siècles). Mélanges en l’honneur d’Antony McKenna, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2017, p. 355-369.
Vincenzo De Risi
Geometry and Monadology. Leibniz’s Analysis Situs and Philosophy of Space, Basel/Boston, Birkhäuser 2007.
Leibniz on the Parallel Postulate and the Foundations of Geometry, Basel/Boston, Birkhäuser 2015.
(ed.), Mathematizing Space. The Objects of Geometry from Antiquity to the Early Modern Age, Basel/Boston, Birkhäuser 2015.
(ed.), Leibniz and the Structure of Sciences. Modern Perspectives on the History of Logic, Mathematics, Epistemology, “Boston Studies in Philosophy and History of Science”, Berlin, Springer 2019.
"Francesco Patrizi’s Conceptions of Space and Geometry," in Boundaries, Extents and Circulations. Space and Spatiality in Early Modern Natural Philosophy, eds. K. Vermeer, J. Regier, Basel/Boston, Springer 2016, pp. 55-106.
Vincenzo De Risi, "The Genesis of Relationism. Leibniz’ Early Theory of Space and Newton’s Scholium," accepted for publication and forthcoming in the Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy.
Todd DeRose
“A Trinitarian Approach to Neighborly Love in Kierkegaard.” Forthcoming chapter in Kierkegaard’s Works of Love: A Critical Guide, edited by Jeffrey Hanson and Wojciech Kaftanski. Cambridge University Press.
“Natural Causes and Berkeley’s Divine Language Hypothesis.” In Manuel Fasko & Peter West (eds.), Berkeley’s Doctrine of Signs. De Gruyter (2024): pp. 143-160.
“Semantic Compositionality and Berkeley’s Divine Language Argument.” Religious Studies 59 (2023): pp. 239-251.
“‘Experience Itself Must Be Taught to Read and Write’: Scientific Practice and Berkeley’s Language of Nature.” Berkeley Studies 29 (2021): 14–23.
“Empirically Skeptical Theism.” Faith and Philosophy 37(3) (2020): 323–335.
Karen Detlefsen
The Routledge Handbook of Early Modern European Women Philosophers, edited by Karen Detlefsen and Lisa Shapiro, Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy (2023).
“Émilie Du Châtelet on Newtonianism and Hypotheses in the Eighteenth Century”, in The Oxford Handbook to Isaac Newton, edited by Eric Schliesser and Christopher Smeenk. Oxford University Press, (published online December 2021; book 2022).
"Cavendish’s Philosophical Genres in Philosophical and Physical Opinions, and the Question of Hierarchy", in Margaret Cavendish: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, edited by Lisa Walters and Brandie R. Siegfried. Cambridge University Press, 2022.
"Émile Du Châtelet: Feminism, Epistemology and Natural Philosophy", in Handbook on Feminist Philosophy of Science, edited by Sharon Crasnow and Kristen Intemann. Routledge, 2021.
"The Rise of a Public Science?", in The Cambridge History of Philosophy of the Scientific Revolution, edited by David Marshall Miller and Dana Jalobeanu. Cambridge University Press, 2021.
Mihnea Dobre
Descartes and Early French Cartesianism: between metaphysics and physics, Zeta Books, Foundations of Modern Thought series, 2017.
Cartesian Empiricisms. Co-edited volume with Tammy Nyden. Dordrecht: Springer. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 31, 2013.
Editor (with Ovidiu Babeș, Ovidiu; Ioana Bujor and Grigore Vida), “Jacques Rohault, Preface to the Traité de Physique. A critical edition and commentary of four early modern versions of Rohault’s preface.” Society and Politics 15 (2021). [Open Access]
“Rohault’s Private Lessons on Cosmology,” in Descartes in the Classroom: Teaching Cartesian Philosophy in the Early Modern Age, eds. Davide Cellamare and Mattia Mantovani (Leiden: Brill, 2022).
“Henry More and William Petty: Revisiting an Early Modern Polemic,” Early Science and Medicine 23 (2018): 244-264.
Mary Domski
Newton’s Third Rule and the Experimental Argument for Universal Gravity (Routledge, 2022; ISBN: 9781032020365; DOI: 10.4324/9781003184256-1). Available as Open Access here.
"Descartes's Mathematics." In The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2021 edition; first published online in Winter 2011; revisions in 2015 & 2021). Edward N. Zalta (ed.),
URL = <>.
“Laws of Nature and the Divine Order of Things: Descartes and Newton on Truth in Natural Philosophy.” In Laws of Nature (Oxford University Press, July 2018), edited by Walter Ott and Lydia Patton, pp. 42-61.
“Observation and Mathematics.” In The Oxford Handbook of British Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century, edited by Peter Anstey (Oxford University Press, July 2013), pp. 144-168.
“The Intelligibility of Motion and Construction: Descartes’ Early Mathematics and Metaphysics, 1619-1637.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Part A (2009) 40: 119-130.
“The Constructible and Intelligible in Newton’s Philosophy of Geometry.” Philosophy of Science (2003) 70 (5): 1114-1124.
Lisa Downing
“Qualities, Powers, and Mere Powers in Locke,” in Reconsidering Causal Powers in Science: Historical and Conceptual Perspectives, eds. Benjamin Hill, Henrik Lagerlund, Stathis Psillos, (Oxford, 2021), pp.186-205.
“Locke’s Metaphysics and Newtonian Metaphysics,” in Newton and Empiricism, eds. Zvi Biener and Eric Schliesser (Oxford, 2014), pp. 97-118.
“Locke’s Ontology,” in The Cambridge Companion to Locke’s Essay, ed. Lex Newman (Cambridge, 2007), pp. 352-380.
"Berkeley's Natural Philosophy and Philosophy of Science," in The Cambridge Companion to Berkeley, ed. Kenneth Winkler (Cambridge, 2005), pp. 230-265.
“The Status of Mechanism in Locke’s Essay,” The Philosophical Review 107 (1998): 381-414.
Stewart Duncan
Materialism from Hobbes to Locke. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022.
“Hobbes on Language: Propositions, Truth, and Absurdity”. In A.P. Martinich and Kinch Hoekstra (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Hobbes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016) 57–72.
“Toland, Leibniz, and Active Matter”. Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 6 (2012) 249–78.
“Leibniz’s Mill Arguments against Materialism”. Philosophical Quarterly 62 (2012) 250–72.
Manuel Fasko
"‘God said “Let us make man in our image after our likeness”’– Mary Shepherd, the imago-dei-thesis, and the human mind." British Journal for the History of Philosophy (2022): 1-22.
"Mary Shepherd's Threefold ‘Variety of Intellect’ and its Role in Improving Education." Journal of Scottish Philosophy 19, no. 3 (2021): 185-201.
"’The Meanest Worm Must Feel and Think’ Mary Shepherd’s Understanding of Non-Human Animal Cognition.” In The Philosophy of Lady Mary Shepherd (Oxford: OUP), edited by Keota Fields, forthcoming.
"Questioning Authority: Anthony Collins’ Challenge to Orthodox Anglican Authority Figures and George Berkeley’s Reply." Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie (2022).
Die Sprache Gottes–George Berkeleys Auffassung des Naturgeschehens. Schwabe Verlag, 2021.
Thomas Feeney
“Leibniz’s Early Theodicy and its Unwelcome Implications,” The Leibniz Review (30) 2020: 1-28
“Cartesian Circles and the Analytic Method,” International Philosophical Quarterly (60:4) 2020: 393-409.
“Compossibility and the Unity of the Will in Leibniz.” In: Leibniz: Compossibility and Possible Worlds. The New Synthese Historical Library (Book 75). Edited by Gregory Brown and Yual Chiek. Springer, 2016.
Sandra Leonie Field
Potentia: Hobbes and Spinoza on Power and Popular Politics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020, 336pp.
'A Theory of Popular Power'. Journal of Social and Political Philosophy, 1(2022), 136-151.
'Hobbes on power and gender relations'. In Marcus P. Adams (ed.) A Companion to Hobbes. Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons, 2021, 139-155.
'Political Power and Depoliticised Acquiescence: Spinoza and Aristocracy'. Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory, 27(2020), 670-684.
'Hobbes and the question of power'. Journal of the History of Philosophy, 52(2014), 61-86.
'Democracy and the multitude: Spinoza against Negri'. Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory, 59(2012), 21-40.
“At the Bar of Conscience: A Kantian Argument for Slavery Reparations,” Philosophy & Social Criticism 48 (2022): 674–702.
“Hume’s Quietism about Moral Ontology in Treatise 3.1.1,” Hume Studies 46 (2020): 57–100.
“Hume on the Stoic Rational Passions and ‘Original Existences’,” The Journal of the History of Philosophy 55 (2017): 609–639.
“Hume on the Lockean Metaphysics of Secondary Qualities,” Hume Studies 40 (2014): 95–136.
Dylan Flint
"God Can Do Otherwise: A Defense of Act Contingency in Leibniz's Mature Period," (2022) History of Philosophy Quarterly. 39 (3): 235-256.
Enrico Galvagni
“William King on Election, Reason, and Desire: A Reply to Kenneth Pearce.” In British Journal for the History of Philosophy (forthcoming), doi: 10.1080/09608788.2023.2214187.
“Secret Sentiments: Hume on Pride, Decency and Virtue.” In Hume Studies, 47 (1), 2022, pp. 131-155. doi: 10.1353/hms.2022.0007.
“An Empire of Lies. Baron d’Holbach on Vanity and Philosophy.” In The Great Protector of Wits: Baron d’Holbach and His Time (ed.) L. Nicolì, Brill: Leiden, 2022.
“Where is the Fury? On Hume’s Peculiar Account of Anger and Resentment.” In The Dark Side. Philosophical Reflections on the “Negative Emotions”, (eds.) P. Giacomoni, S. Dellantonio, N. Valentini. Springer: Cham, 2021.
“Hume on Pride, Vanity and Society.” In Journal of Scottish Philosophy 18 no. 2 (2020), pp. 157-173.
“Luxury, Mystification, and Oppressive Power in d’Holbach’s Philosophical Writings.” In Journal of Modern Philosophy no. 2 (2020), pp. 1-11.
Daniel Garber
Descartes' Metaphysical Physics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.
Editor (with Michael Ayers), The Cambridge History of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy, 2 vols., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998; paperback 2003.
Descartes Embodied: Reading Cartesian Philosophy through Cartesian Science. Cambridge University Press, 2001. [This is a collection of previously published articles on Descartes.]
What Happens After Pascal’s Wager: Living Faith and Rational Belief. The Aquinas Lecture, 2009. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2009.
Leibniz: Body, Substance, Monad. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009; paperback 2011.
Editor (with Sophie Roux), The Mechanization of Natural Philosophy. Dordrecht: Springer, 2013.
Aaron Garrett
“Law, Chronology, and Scottish Conjectural History”, in John Robertson, ed., Time History, and Political Thought Cambridge University Press, 2023, 179-193.
“Phillis Wheatley and the Limits of the History of Philosophy”, in Karen Detlefsen and Lisa Shapiro, eds., The Routledge Handbook of Women and Early Modern European Philosophy. Routledge, 2023, 558-570.
“Hume, Cicero, and the Ancients”, in Esther Kroeber and Willem Lemmens, eds, The Cambridge Companion to the Enquiry Concerning the Principle of Morals. Cambridge University Press, 2020, 192-218.
“The History of the History of Ethics and Emblematic Passages”, in Ian Hunter and Richard Whatmore, eds., Philosophy, Rights, and Natural Law, Edinburgh University Press, 2019, 71-93.
Don Garrett
Cognition and Commitment in Hume's Philosophy (Oxford University Press 1997)/
Hume (Routledge 2015).
Nature and Necessity in Spinoza's Philosophy (Oxford University Press 2018).
The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza (editor; Cambridge University Press 1996, 2021).
Alfredo Gatto
“Malebranche e le verità eterne: onnipotenza, univocità, teodicea”, Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 114 (2022): 433-448.
La théodicée perdue. Les vérités éternelles et la fragilité de la raison moderne (Paris: Parole et Silence, 2021).
“Descartes and the Jesuits”, in Jesuit Philosophy on the Eve of Modernity, ed. by C. Casalini (Brill 2019), 405-425.
“Descartes and the Coimbra Commentaries: A Critical Source of the Cartesian Meditations”, Quaestio – Yearbook of the History of Metaphysics 18 (2018): 557-569.
Catherine Goldstein
"Jean Prestet’s Elements des mathématiques: A Cartesian textbook by a Cartesian author?'', in P. Beeley and C. Mac an Bhaird, eds., Mathematical Book Histories, Birkhäuser, forthcoming.
"Diophantus redivivus: is Diophantus an early-modern classic?", Oberwolfach Reports 26, 2021, p. 38-40.
(introduction, edition, traductions, commentary): Ernest Coumet, Œuvres, vol. 2, Besançon, PUFC, 2019.
"Les fractions décimales : un art d'ingénieur?", in R. Carvais, A.-F. Garçon, A. Grelon (dir.), Penser la technique autrement. XVIe-XXIe siècles, Paris, Garnier, 2017, p. 185-203.
"Routine Controversies: Mathematical Challenges in Mersenne’s Correspondence", Revue d'histoire des sciences 66-2, juillet-décembre 2013, 249-273.
"1 803 601 800 : de l’art des nombres à l’analyse, une autre voie?", in S. Féry, dir., Aventures de l'analyse, PUN, 2012, p. 41-57.
"Liberté, égalité, amitié dans le cercle mathématique de Marin Mersenne", in J.-C. Darmon et F. Waquet, dir., L'amitié et les sciences de Descartes à Lévi-Strauss, Hermann, 2010, p. 41-58.
Leibniz, God and Necessity (Cambridge University Press, 2012).
Nabeel Hamid
"Wolff on Substance, Power, and Force." Journal of the History of Philosophy, forthcoming.
"The Cartesian Physiology of Johann Jakob Waldschmidt." In Descartes and Medicine, edited by Fabrizio Baldassarri (Turnhout: Brepols), forthcoming.
"Physicotheology in Kant's Transition from Nature to Freedom." Kantian Review 2023 (Online first:
"Reason in Kant's Theory of Cognition." Canadian Journal of Philosophy 52 (2022):636-653.
"Substance, Causation, and the Mind-Body Problem in Johann Clauberg." Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 11 (2022): 31-66.
"Efficient Cause as Paradigm? From Suárez to Clauberg." Journal of Modern Philosophy 3 (2021): 1-22.
Philippe Hamou
La Mutation du visible. Essai sur la portée épistémologique des instruments d’optique au XVIIe siècle. 2 vols. (Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 1999-2001).
“La nature est inexorable, pour une reconsidération de la contribution de Galilée au problème de la connaissance”, Galilaeana, Journal of Galilean Studies 5 (2008).
Dans la chambre obscure de l’esprit. John Locke et l’invention du mind (Paris: Editions d’Ithaque, 2018).
“Locke and the experimental philosophy of the human mind”, in P. Anstey et A. Vanzo (eds.), Experiment, Speculation and Religion in Early Modern Philosophy (Routledge, 2019).
(With Martine Pécharman) Locke and Cartesian Philosophy (Oxford University Press, 2018).
Adam Harmer
“Anthony Collins’ Structural Materialism”. Forthcoming in The History and Philosophy of Materialism, Charles T. Wolfe and John Symons, eds. London: Routledge. Projected publication 2023.
“Mereological Nihilism and Simple Substance in Leibniz”, Res Philosophica. 99 (2022): 39-65.
“The Discreteness of Matter: Leibniz on Plurality and Part-Whole Priority”, Ergo 7 (2021).
“The Role of Plurality in Leibniz’s Argument from Unity”, Res Philosophica. 97 (2020): 437-457.
“Leibniz on Plurality, Dependence, and Unity”, Res Philosophica. 95 (2018): 69-94.
“Leibniz on Determinateness and Possible Worlds”, Philosophy Compass. 13 (2017).1 (2018). Online publication:
“Leibniz’s World-Apart Doctrine” in Leibniz on Compossibility and Possible Worlds, in Gregory Brown & Yual Chiek, eds. Dordrecht: Springer, 2017, 37-64.
Gary Hatfield
"Was the Scientific Revolution Really a Revolution in Science?", in Tradition, Transmission, Transformation, ed. by Jamil Ragep and Sally Ragep, Collection de travaux de l'Academie internationale d'histoire des sciences (Leiden: Brill, 1996), 489–525.
Routledge Guidebook to Descartes' Meditations. 2nd edition. Abingdon: Routledge, 2014, xxi+364.
Perception and Cognition: Essays in the Philosophy of Psychology. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2009, xiv+533.
"Geometry and Visual Space from Antiquity to the Early Moderns." In: Space, edited by Andrew Janiak, Oxford Philosophical Concepts (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020), 184–222.
"L'attention chez Descartes: aspect mental et aspect physiologique." Les Etudes philosophiques 120 (2017), 7–25.
"Descartes: New Thoughts on the Senses." British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (2017), 443–64. (Special issue on Mental Powers in Early Modern Philosophy, ed. F. Boccaccini and A. Marmodoro.)
Helen Hattab
“Renaissance Aristotelianism(s)”, in The Cambridge History of Philosophy of the Scientific Revolution, eds. Dana Jalobeanu and David Marshall Miller (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022), 58-74.
“Hobbes’ Unified Method for Scientia”, in A Companion to Hobbes, ed. Marcus Adams, (Wiley-Blackwell, 2021), 25-44.
“Early Modern Roots of the Philosophical Concept of a Law of Nature”, in Laws of Nature, eds. Walter Ott and Lydia Patton (Oxford University Press, 2018), 18-41.
“The Metaphysics of Substantial Forms”, in The Routledge Companion to Sixteenth Century Philosophy, eds. Benjamin Hill and Henrik Lagerlund (New York: Routledge, 2017) 436-457.
“Descartes on the Eternal Truths and Essences of Mathematics: An Alternative Reading.” Vivarium 54 (2016): 204-249.
Christian Henkel
Occasionalism and the Debate about Causation in Early Modern Germany (New York and London: Routledge, 2024).
“The last of his kind? Gottfried Ploucquet’s occasionalism and the grounding of sense-perception,” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (2022): 1055-1073.
“Mechanism, Occasionalism and Final Causes in Johann Christoph Sturm’s Physics,” Early Science and Medicine 26 (2021): 314–340.
"The young Leibniz's tentative acceptance of physical occasionalism," Southern Journal of Philosophy (April 2024).
"Physical influx theory: The case of Émilie du Châtelet", British Journal for the History of Philosophy (September 2024)
Michael Hickson
Pierre Bayle. Dialogues of Maximus and Themistius. Translated, edited, and introduced by Michael W. Hickson. Brill’s Texts and Sources in Intellectual History 256/18. Leiden: Brill, 2016.
Hickson, Michael, "Pierre Bayle", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2023 Edition), Edward N. Zalta & Uri Nodelman (eds.), URL = <>.
Marc A. Hight
The Correspondence of George Berkeley (Cambridge UP, 2012).
Idea and Ontology (Penn State UP, 2008).
Karolina Hübner
With J. Steinberg, eds. Cambridge Lexicon to Spinoza. Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
“How to be a mereological panpsychist”, in Systematicity in Metaphysics, eds. A. Segal and N. Stang, Oxford University Press / Mind Association Occasional Series, forthcoming.
With R. Mátyási. “Spinoza on Expression and Grounds of Intelligibility”, Philosophical Quarterly 72 (2022): 628-51.
“ Representation and Mind-Body Identity in Spinoza’s philosophy”, Journal of the History of Philosophy 60 (2022): 47-77.
“Spinoza on the Limits of Explanation”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (2021): 341-58.
Kristen Irwin
“Locke and Contemporary Philosophy of Religion” in The Lockean Mind, eds. Shelley Weinberg & Jessica Gordon-Roth (Routledge 2022), 582-591.
“Reading Bayle, Again: A Survey of the Interpretive Landscape and A Defense of the Academic-Moral Knowledge Reading” in Sceptical Doubt and Disbelief in Modern European Thought: A New Pan-American Dialogue, eds. Plinio J. Smith & Vicente Raga (Springer 2021), 143-160.
“Enabling Ivan Karamazov: Responding to Mark Murphy’s God’s Own Ethics: Norms of Divine Agency and the Argument from Evil”, Religious Studies 53:4 (November 2017), 557-563.
“The Implications of Bayle’s Qualified Academic Skepticism for Moral Knowledge,” in Academic Scepticism in Early Modern Philosophy (eds. Plínio J. Smith & Sébastien Charles; Springer 2016), 275-292.
“Pierre Bayle” in The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ISSN 2161-0002,
Michael A. Istvan, Jr.
“The Universal Nature of a Spinozistic Substance”, Journal of Spinoza Studies 2 (2023): 15-39.
“In Homage to Descartes and Spinoza: A Cosmo-Ontological Case for God”, The Philosophical Forum 52 (2021): 41-64.
“A Rationalist Defense of Determinism”, Theoria 87 (2021): 394-434.
“The Sufficiency of Spinozistic Attributes for their Finite Modes”, Síntesis: Revista de Filosofía 4 (2021): 133-155.
“Concerning the Resilience of Galen Strawson’s Basic Argument”, Philosophical Studies 155 (2011): 399-420.
Chantal Jaquet
Spinoza à l’œuvre, composition des corps et force des idées, Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2017.
The Unity of Body and Mind, Affects, Actions and Passions in Spinoza, trans. Tatiana Reznichenko, Edinburgh University Press, 2018, (English translation of L’unité du corps et de l’esprit. Affects, actions, passions chez Spinoza, Paris, PUF, 2015).
Les expressions de la puissance d’agir chez Spinoza, seconde édition avec une Postface, Paris, Editions de la Sorbonne, 2022.
Spinoza de cœur et d’esprit, sous la direction de Chantal Jaquet, Pascal Sévérac et Ariel Suhamy, actes du colloque international de juin 2021, Dossier textes et vidéos,
Obéissance et rébellion chez Spinoza, sous la direction de Chantal Jaquet, Revue internationale de Philosophie, numéro 1/2021, Liège: De Boeck supérieur, 2021, 125 pages.
Jan-Erik Jones
“John Locke’s Natural Philosophy” (forthcoming) in The Oxford Handbook to John Locke, Patrick Connolly (ed.), Oxford University Press.
“John Locke’s Corpuscularianism”, in The Lockean Mind, Shelley Weinberg and Jessica Gordon-Roth (eds.), Routledge, 2021.
Editor, The Bloomsbury Companion to Boyle, London: Bloomsbury Press, 2020.
“Robert Boyle’s Natural Kind Realism” in, Bloomsbury Companion to Boyle, 2020, London: Bloomsbury Press.
“John Locke on Real Essence”, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. Edward N. Zalta (original posting on 19 December, 2012;
“Locke vs. Boyle: The Real Essence of Corpuscular Species”, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (2007): 659-684.
Julia Jorati
Slavery and Race: Philosophical Debates in the Eighteenth Century, New York: Oxford University Press, 2024.
Slavery and Race: Philosophical Debates in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, New York: Oxford University Press, 2024.
Leibniz on Causation and Agency, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
“Debates about Slavery in Early Modern Philosophy: Natural Slavery, Circumstantial Slavery, Transatlantic Slavery,” forthcoming in The Edinburgh Critical History of Early Modern Philosophy, ed. Jack Stetter and Stephen Howard.
“Leibniz on Slavery and the Ownership of Human Beings,” Journal of Modern Philosophy 1.10 (2019): 1–18.
“Du Châtelet on Freedom, Self-Motion, and Moral Necessity,” Journal of the History of Philosophy 57.2 (2019), 255–80.
“Leibniz’s Ontology of Force,” Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 8 (2019), 189–224.
“The Contingency of Leibniz’s Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles,” Ergo 4.31 (2017), 899–929.
Dan Kaufman
“Cartesian Substances, Individual Bodies, and Corruptibility.” Res Philosophica, Special Issue on Modern Philosophy (2014), 71-103.
“Locke on Individuation and the Corpuscular Basis of Kinds.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 75 (2007): 499-534.
“Locke’s Theory of Identity.” A Companion to Locke, Matthew Stuart (ed.) Blackwell Publishing (2016): 36-259.
“Locks, Schlocks, and Poisoned Peas: Boyle on Actual and Dispositive Qualities.” Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 3 (2006): 153-198.
“Descartes’ Creation Doctrine and Modality.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80 (2002): 24-41.
David Landy
Hume’s Science of Human Nature: Scientific Realism, Reason, and Substantial Explanation. New York: Routledge, 2017.
Kant’s Inferentialism: The Case Against Hume. New York: Routledge, 2015.
“Shepherd on Hume’s Argument for the Possibility of Uncaused Existence,” Journal of Modern Philosophy, 2 (2020): 1 – 14.
“Kant’s Better-than-Terrible Argument in the Anticipations of Perception,” Kantian Review, 25 (2020): 77-101.
“A Defense of Shepherd’s Account of Cause and Effect as Synchronous,” Journal of Modern Philosophy, 2 (2020): 1-15.
“Hume’s Theory of Mental Representation,” Hume Studies, 38 (2012): 23-54.
“Hume’s Impression-Idea Distinction,” Hume Studies, 32 (2006): 119-139.
Charles Larmore
"Descartes' Psychologistic Theory of Assent", History of Philosophy Quarterly 1(1984); reprinted in G. Moyal (ed.), Descartes. Critical Assessments, Routledge: London, 1991, vol. 1, 301-315.
"L'explication scientifique chez Descartes", in N. Grimaldi and J.-L. Marion (eds), Le Discours et sa méthode, Presses Universitaires de France (1987).
"Newton's Critique of Cartesian Method", in Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 12 (1987).
"Le concept de certitude chez Newton", in Revue d'histoire des sciences 41 (1988): 377-384.
"Un scepticisme sans tranquillité: Montaigne et ses modèles antiques", in V. Carraud et J.-L. Marion (eds.), Montaigne: scepticisme, métaphysique, théologie (Paris: PUF, 2004), 15-31.
“Descartes and Skepticism”, in S. Gaukroger (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Descartes’ Meditations, (Oxford: Blackwell, 2006), 17-29.
“The First Meditation: Skeptical Doubt and Certainty”, in D. Cunning (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Descartes’ Meditations (Cambridge University Press, 2014), 48-67.
Henri Laux
Spinoza et le christianisme, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2022.
“The Significance of Spinoza’s God for Christianity”, Catholic Theology and Thought in Asia (Seoul) 83 (2019): 87-121.
“Le Christ et la politique chez Spinoza”, La Pensée, n° 398, avril-mai-juin 2019: 74-85.
Matthew A. Leisinger
“Cudworth and More on Immaterial Extension: A New Text with Analysis,” Journal of Modern Philosophy 5(2023): 1–23.
“Cudworthian Consciousness,” Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 11 (2022): 163–196.
“Liberty and Suspension in Locke’s Essay,” Locke Studies 21 (2022): 26–55.
“Cudworth on Freewill,” Philosophers’ Imprint 21(2021): 1–25.
“Locke’s Diagnosis of Akrasia,” Journal of Modern Philosophy 2(2020): 1–13.
Huaping Lu-Adler
Kant, Race, and Racism: Views from Somewhere. Oxford University Press, 2023.
Kant and the Science of Logic: A Historical and Philosophical Reconstruction. Oxford University Press, 2018.
“Kant and Slavery—Or Why He Never Became a Racial Egalitarian.” Critical Philosophy of Race 10 (2022): 263–94.
“Kant on Lazy Savagery, Racialized.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 60 (2022): 253–75.
“Locke on Scientific Methodology.” In The Lockean Mind, edited by Jessica Gordon-Roth and Shelley Weinberg, 277–89. London: Routledge, 2021.
“Kant and the Principle of Sufficient Reason.” Review of Metaphysics 74 (2021): 301–30.
“Between Du Châtelet’s Leibniz Exegesis and Kant’s Early Philosophy: A Study of Their Responses to the vis viva Controversy.” Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy 21 (2018): 177–94.
John Locke’s Christianity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021).
“The Biblical Roots of Locke’s Theory of Personal Identity,” Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 56 (2021): 168-187.
“Locke and the Socinians on the Natural and Revealed Law,” Journal of Early Modern Studies, 11 (2022): 115-147.
“Locke’s Reasonable Christianity: A Religious Enlightener’s Theology in Context,” in Between Secularisation and Reform: Religion in the Enlightenment, ed. Anna Tomaszewska (Leiden: Brill, 2022), pp. 237-265.
“Locke on Faith, Resurrection, and Salvation,” in The Oxford Handbook of Locke, ed. Patrick Connolly (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming).
Gideon Manning
Collected Wisdom of the Early Modern Scholar, eds. Anna Marie Roos and Gideon Manning, Springer, 2023.
“Women, Medicine, and the Life Sciences,” in The Routledge Handbook of Women and Early Modern European Philosophy, eds. Lisa Shapiro and Karen Detlefson, Routledge, 2023, chapter 14.
“Circulation and the New Physiology,” in The Cambridge History of Philosophy of the Scientific Revolution, eds David M. Miller and Dana Jalobeanu, Cambridge, 2022, 369-386.
“Descartes and Medicine,” in The Oxford Handbook to Descartes and Cartesianism, eds. Steven Nadler, Tad Schmaltz, Delphine Antoine-Mahut, Oxford, 2019, 157-177.
“The history of ‘hylomorphism,’” Journal of the History of Ideas, 74 (2013): 173-187.
Silvia Manzo
“Francis Bacon on Self-Care, Divination, and the Nature-Fortune Distinction”, Early Science and Medicine, 28 (2023): 120-147.
“Quali-Quantitative Measurement in Francis Bacon’s Medicine: Towards A New Branch of Mixed Mathematics”, in Simone Guidi and Joaquim Braga (eds.), The Quantification of Life and Health from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century. Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
With Sofía Calvente, “Early Modern Empiricism”, in Dana Jalobeanu and Charles T. Wolfe, eds., Springer Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences, Springer, 2020.
“Monsters, Laws of Nature, and Teleology in Late-Scholastic Textbooks”, in P. Omodeo and R. Garau, eds., Contingency and Natural Order in Early Modern Science, Springer, 2019, pp. 61-92.
“Historiographical Approaches on Experience and Empiricism in the Early Nineteenth-Century: Degérando and Tennemann”, Perspectives on Science 27 (2019): 655-679.
Oberto Marrama
“‘The Habit of Virtue’: Spinoza on Reason and Memory”, forthcoming in Journal of Early Modern Studies.
“Mapping the Boundaries of Conscious Life in Margaret Cavendish’s Philosophy”, forthcoming in Revue Philosophique de Louvain.
“Animation”, forthcoming in K. Hübner, and J. Steinberg (eds.), Spinoza Cambridge Lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
“Consciousness, Ideas of Ideas, and Animation in Spinoza’s Ethics”, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (2017): 506-525.
“Spinoza on fictitious ideas and possible entities”, The European Legacy 21 (2016): 359-37.
Christopher Martin
“Spinoza’s Contributions to Descartes’s Ontological Argument,” Faith and Philosophy (forthcoming).
Spinoza’s Argument for Substance Monism: Why There is Only One Thing, Lexington Press, forthcoming.
“The Substantial Essence in Spinoza’s Ontological Argument,” Journal of the History of Philosophy 58 (2020): 705-26.
“Spinoza’s Formal Mechanism,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (2018): 151–181.
“Immanence and Causation in Spinoza,” in Spinoza: Basic Concepts, edited by Andre Santos Campos, 14-24. Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2015.
“A New Challenge to the Necessitarian Reading of Spinoza,” Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 5 (2010): 25-70.
Jeffrey McDonough
Leibniz’s Miracle Creed: The Principle of Optimality in Leibniz's Physics and Philosophy (Oxford University Press), 2022.
“Space, Monads, and Incompossibility,” Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy, 2021.
“Leibniz’s Formal Theory of Contingency,” in Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy: From Leibniz to Kant, eds. Katherine Dunlop and Samuel Levey, 2018, 17-43. (With Zeynep Soysal)
“Leibniz and the Foundations of Physics: The Later Years,” The Philosophical Review 125 (2016): 1-34.
“Leibniz and the Puzzle of Incompossibility: The Packing Strategy,” The Philosophical Review 119 (2010): 135-163.
“Leibniz on Natural Teleology and the Laws of Optics,” Philosophy and Phenomenological
Research 78 (2009): 505-544.
“Berkeley, Human Agency, and Divine Concurrence,” Journal of the History of Philosophy
46 (2008): 567-590.
Antony McKenna
Etudes sur Pierre Bayle (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2015).
Pascal et son libertin (Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2017).
Voltaire, Lettre sur Locke, manuscrit clandestin, eds. A. McKenna et G. Mori, in Voltaire, Œuvres complètes, OCV, tome 6C (Oxford: Fondation Voltaire, 2020).
Réflexions morales et métaphysiques sur les religions et sur les connaissances des hommes, eds. A. McKenna et G. Mori (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2023).
Yves de Vallone, La Religion du chrétien guidé par la raison universelle, eds. A. McKenna et Gianluca Mori (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2023).
Yitzhak Y. Melamed
Baruch Spinoza: An Introduction [in Hebrew]. Jerusalem: Merkaz Shazar, 2024.
Spinoza’s Labyrinths: Essays on His Metaphysics. Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
Ed., The Blackwell Companion to Spinoza, ed. Yitzhak Y. Melamed (Oxford: Blackwell, 2021).
Ed., Spinoza’s Ethics: A Critical Guide, ed. Yitzhak Y. Melamed (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017).
Spinoza’s Metaphysics: Substance and Thought (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013). xxii+232 pp. Paperback: 2014.
Ed., Spinoza and German Idealism, eds. Eckart Förster and Yitzhak Y. Melamed (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012).
Francoise Monnoyeur
“Substance and attributes in the Cartesian Dualism.” The Journal of Philosophical Research 43 (2018).
Matière et espace dans le système cartésien, Harmattan , Paris, France, 2017.
“From the Discourse on Method to an Orientation in Thinking: Kant versus Descartes”, Enhet I Mangfold, Festskrift, 2009, pp. 368-375.
Denis Moreau
Deux cartésiens. La polémique entre Antoine Arnauld et Nicolas Malebranche, Paris, Vrin, 1999, 354 p.
Malebranche, Paris, Vrin, collection « bibliothèque des philosophies », 2004.
Dans le milieu d’une forêt. Essai sur Descartes et le sens de la vie, Paris, Bayard, 2012.
La Philosophie de Descartes, Paris, Vrin, 2016.
Célébration du Cogito, Paris, Seuil, 2023.
Pierre-François Moreau
Pierre-François Moreau et Lorenzo Vinciguerra, Spinoza et les arts, L’harmattan, 2020.
Spinoza : Éthique, édition, traduction, annotation, par F. Akkerman, P. Steenbakkers, P.-F. Moreau, PUF, 2020.
Sonja Lavaert et P.-F. Moreau, Spinoza et la politique de la multitude, Kimé, 2021.
P.-F. Moreau, L. Simonutti et A. Sangiacomo, Spinoza en Angleterre. Sciences et réflexions sur les sciences, Brepols, 2022.
P.-F. Moreau, Experience and Eternity in Spinoza, transl. Robert Boncardo, Edinburgh University Press, 2023.
Gianluca Mori
Athéisme et dissimulation au XVIIe siècle: Guy Patin et le Theophrastus redivivus (Paris: H. Champion, 2022).
Early Modern Atheism from Spinoza to d’Holbach. Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2021).
Bayle philosophe (2nd ed.) (Paris: H. Champion, 2020).
Voltaire, Lettre sur Locke, manuscrit clandestin, eds. A. McKenna et G. Mori, in Voltaire, Œuvres complètes, OCV, tome 6C (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2020).
Réflexions morales et métaphysiques sur les religions et sur les connaissances des hommes, eds. A. McKenna et G. Mori (Paris: H. Champion, 2023).
John Morrison
Descartes on Numerical Identity and Time,"
The Australasian Journal of Philosophy (2022).
"Spinoza on Mind, Body, and Numerical Identity,"
Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind (2022).
"Three Medieval Aristotelians on Numerical Identity and Time," Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy (2022).
"Spinoza on Numerical Identity and Time,"
Blackwell Companion to Spinoza, Melamed (ed.) (2021).
"Two puzzles about Thought and Identity in Spinoza,"
Cambridge Critical Guide to Spinoza's Ethics, Melamed (ed.) (2017).
"Restricting Spinoza's Causal Axiom,"
Philosophical Quarterly (2015).
"Conception and Causation in Spinoza's Metaphysics,"
Philosophers' Imprint (2013).
Georges Moyal
“Métaphysique et praxis dans la VIe Méditation”, in H. Busche & S. Heßbrüggen-Walter (eds.), Departure for Modern Europe - Philosophy between 1400 and 1700, Felix Meiner Verlag: Hamburg, 2011.
“Cogito, évidence en soi et raison – Les singularités du cogito”, Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, juillet-septembre 2010, n° 3, pp. 371-411.
“Hintikka on the cogito: some difficulties with ‘existential inconsistency’”, Studia Leibnitiana 42 (2010): 208-228.
“L’arrière-plan aristotélicien du cogito”, Studia Leibnitiana 48 (2016): 9-105.
“La disparition des formes aristotéliciennes – à propos d’une démarche clandestine dans les Méditations” in Dialogue 59 (2020) : 539-548.
Ohad Nachtomy
Living Mirrors: Infinity, Unity, and Life in Leibniz’s Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 2019.
The Psychophysical Lab, Mudita books, 2019, (with Eyal Shifroni).
“Spinoza’s Rethinking of Activity: from the Short Treatise to the Ethics” (with Andrea Sangiacomo), Southern Journal of Philosophy (March 2018).
“On Living Mirrors and Mites: Leibniz’s Encounter with Pascal on Infinity and Living Things circa 1696”, Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy, 2018.
“Monads at the Bottom, Monads at the Top, Monads all Over”, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, June 2017.
Steven Nadler
The Good Cartesian: Louis de La Forge and the Rise of a Philosophical Paradigm (Oxford, forthcoming in 2024).
Why Read Maimonides Today (Cambridge, forthcoming in 2024).
Descartes: The Renewal of Philosophy (Reaktion Books, “Renaissance Lives” series, 2023).
Think Least of Death: Spinoza on How to Live and How to Die (Princeton University Press, 2020).
A Book Forged in Hell: Spinoza’s Scandalous Treatise and the Birth of the Secular Age (Princeton University Press, 2011).
Spinoza: A Life (Cambridge University Press, 1999; 2nd edition, 2018).
(With Ben Nadler):
Heretics!: The Wondrous (and Dangerous) Beginnings of Modern Philosophy (Princeton University Press, 2017).
Samuel Newlands
Reconceiving Spinoza (Oxfor University Press, 2018).
“Regis’ Sweeping and Costly Anti-Spinozism,” Journal of the History of Philosophy (2023).
“Baumgarten’s Steps Towards Spinozism,” Journal of the History of Philosophy (2022).
“From Theism to Idealism to Monism: A Leibnizian Path Not Taken,” Philosophical Studies (2021).
“Spinozistic Selves,” Journal of the American Philosophical Association (2020).
Lawrence Nolan
Editor, The Cambridge Descartes Lexicon. Cambridge University Press, 2016 (Paperback edition: December 2022).
Editor, Primary and Secondary Qualities: The Historical and Ongoing Debate. Oxford University Press, June 2011.
“Descartes’s Metaphysics.” The Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism, eds. Steven Nadler, Tad Schmaltz, and Delphine Antoine-Mahut, Oxford University Press, 2019.
“Malebranche on Sensory Cognition and ‘Seeing As,”
Journal of the History of Philosophy (Jan. 2012), 21-52.
“The Ontological Argument as an Exercise in Cartesian Therapy.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 35 (2005): 521-562.
“Self-Knowledge in Descartes and Malebranche” (with John Whipple). Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (2005): 55-81.
Tammy Nyden
Cartesian Empiricisms. Eds. Tammy Nyden and Mihnea Dobre, (#31 in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Book Series), Dordrecht: Springer, 2013.
Spinoza’s Radical Cartesian Mind, Continuum, 2007.
"Living Force at Leiden: De Volder, ‘s Gravesande and the Reception of Newtonianism,” in Newton and Empiricism. Eds. Zvi Biener and Eric Schliesser, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, 207-222.
"De Volder's Cartesian Physics and Experimental Pedagogy." In Cartesian Empiricisms. Eds. Tammy Nyden and Mihnea Dobre. Dordrecht: Springer, 2013, 227-250.
"Experiment in Cartesian Courses: The Case of Professor Burchard de Volder." In The Circulation of Science and Technology: The Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the European Society of the History of Science (ESHS), Barcelona, 18-20 November 2010. Ed. A. Roca-Rosell, Barcelona: SCHCT-IEC (Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica - Institut d'Estudis Catalans), 2012, 384-388.
Walter Ott
The Metaphysics of Laws of Nature: The Rules of the Game. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022.
“Locke on sense perception”, in Jessica Gordon-Roth & Shelley Weinberg (eds.), The Lockean Mind. London: Routledge, 2022.
“Locke on the role of judgment in perception”, European Journal of Philosophy 28 (2020): 670-684.
Descartes, Malebranche, and the Crisis of Perception. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Causation and Laws of Nature in Early Modern Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Osvaldo Ottavian
"Inside Leibniz's Metaphysical Laboratory. Two Drafts Texts from 1710", The Leibniz Review 32 (2022).
With R. T. W. Arthur, "Leibniz's Ad Schedam Hamaxariam", The Leibniz Review 31 (2021).
"Leibniz's Imaginary Bridge", Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 10 (2021).
"The Young Leibniz and the Ontological Argument. From Rejection to Reconsideration", Journal of Early Modern Studies 10 (2021).
Scienza galileiana e scienza baconiana: per una critica della ragione scientifica nel lavoro scolastico, Annuario della Scuola Secondaria Superiore della Repubblica di San Marino, XLVI, A.S. 2018–2019, Studiostampa New Age, 2020, pp. 241–248.
Didattica della Storia e della Filosofia: riflessioni su un’esperienza scolastica, “Ianus –Il potere e le sue facce”, 2022, online at
Robert Pasnau
After Certainty: Historical Reflections on Our Epistemic Ideals and Illusions (Oxford University Press, 2017).
Metaphysical Themes 1274-1671 (Oxford University Press, 2011).
“Old Bad Attitudes,” Philosophers’ Imprint 22(2022): 1–25.
“Enthusiasm,” in J. Gordon-Roth and S. Weinberg (eds.), The Lockean Mind (Routledge, 2022), 554–63, coauthored with Mark Boespflug.
“Medieval Modal Spaces,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, sup. vol. 94 (2020): 225–54.
Arnaud Pelletier
Editor, Sapience : Des transformations de la sagesse dans la philosophie moderne. Paris: Vrin, 2021.
Editor, Christian Wolff's German Logic: Sources, Significance and Reception. Hildesheim: Olms, 2017.
Editor, Leibniz's experimental philosophy. Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag, 2016.
Editor, Leibniz and the aspects of reality. Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag, 2015.
Kristopher G. Phillips
“Via Transformativa: Reading Descartes’ Meditations as a Mystical Text” (with A. Griffioen), in Transformation and the History of Philosophy, Bruno & Vlasits, eds.. 2023. Routledge, 133-154.
“Two Dogmas of Enlightenment Scholarship” (with S. Jones) in Pluralizing Philosophy’s Past – New Reflections in the History of Philosophy, Griffioen & Backmann, eds.. 2023. Palgrave Macmillan, 133-147.
Mark Pickering
“Berkeley on Whether Human Sensible Ideas Are Identical to Certain Divine Ideas.” Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy (published online Jan. 2023, forthcoming in print).
“Kant’s Ontological Phenomenalism.” Kant-Studien (published online Sep. 2022, forthcoming in print).
“Kant on Why Criminal Offenders Must Be Punished.” Southern Journal of Philosophy 60 (2022): 637-663.
“Against the Hybrid Interpretation of Kant’s Theory of Punishment.” Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik / Annual Review of Law and Ethics 28 (2020): 115-133.
“Hume and Kant on Identity and Substance.” In Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment, edited by Elizabeth Robinson and Christopher Surprenant, 230-244. New York: Routledge, 2017.
Pedro Pricladnitzky
Latin American Perspectives: Women in Modern Philosophy. Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences, vol.13. Springer, 2022.
Cavendish on the Ontological Status of Bodies. History of Women Philosophers and Scientists. Springer, 2022.
Remarks on the Structure of the Recherche de la Verité: The Role of the Vision in God. Educação e Filosofia, 2021.
Kristin Primus
“Finding Oneself in God: Scientia intuitiva as a Metaphysically Self-Locating Thought,” in Spinoza: Reason, Religion, and Politics, edited by D. Garber, M. Laerke, P.-F. Moreau, and P. Totaro (Oxford University Press, forthcoming).
“Spinoza’s ‘Infinite Modes’ Reconsidered,” in Journal of Modern Philosophy 2019 (1): 1–29.
“Spinoza’s Monism I: Ruling Out Eternal-Durational Causation,” forthcoming in Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie.
“Spinoza’s Monism II: A Proposal,” forthcoming in Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie.
Hsueh Qu
Hume’s Epistemological Evolution, New York: Oxford University Press, 2020.
“Hume’s Practically Epistemic Conclusions?” Philosophical Studies 170 (2014): 501–524.
“Hume’s Positive Argument on Induction” Nous 48
(2014): 595–625.
“Hume’s Doxastic Involuntarism” Mind 126 (2017): 53–92.
“Complex Ideas and Hume’s Separability Principle” Mind 131 (2022): 517–534.
“Hume’s Stoicism: Reflections on Happiness and the Value of Philosophy” Journal of the History of Philosophy 60 (2022): 79–96.
Editor, A Companion to Hume (Wiley-Blackwell, 2008).
Hume, Passion, and Action (Oxford University Press, 2018).
“The Nature of Morals Founded on the Human Fabric.” In A Critical Guide to Hume’s Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals, eds. Willem Lemmens and Esther Kroeker, 13-32 (Cambridge University Press, 2021).
Hume on the Nature of Morality. In the Cambridge Elements/Ethics Series (Cambridge University Press, 2022).
Editor, Hume’s A Treatise of Human Nature: A Critical Guide (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2024).
Brian Ribeiro
Sextus, Montaigne, Hume: Pyrrhonizers (Brill, 2021)
Stefanie Rocknak
Imagined Causes: Hume’s Conception of Objects, The New Synthese Historical Library, Dordrecht: Springer, 2013.
“Response to my Critics” Hume Studies 45 (2022): 77-93.
“Regularity and certainty in Hume’s treatise: a Humean response to Husserl,” Synthese, 2020, Humeanisms, 1-22.
“Hume and the External World” in The Humean Mind, eds A. Coventry and A. Sager, Routledge, 2019, pp. 124-136).
“Leibniz’s on Rational Decision-Making and Political Controversies” (invited paper), in Luca Basso, Hartmut Rudolph & Jaime de Salas (eds.), Leibniz’s Political Thought and Political Activities, De Gruyter, 2024.
“Leibniz on Sociability and Human Nature”, (invited paper), in Luca Basso, Hartmut Rudolph & Jaime de Salas (eds.), Leibniz’s Political Thought and Political Activities, De Gruyter, 2024.
“Leibniz’s Vectorial Model of Rational Decision-Making and Bounded Rationality”, Rivista di filosofia, 2023:1, pp. 13-34.
"Common Notions and Instincts as Sources of Moral Knowledge in Leibniz's New Essays on Human Understanding", Journal of Early Modern Studies, vol. 8 (2019): 141-170.
“The “Death” of Monads: G. W. Leibniz on Death and Anti-Death”, in Charles Tandy (ed.): Death and Anti Death, vol. 14: Four Decades after Michael Polanyi, Three Centuries after G. W. Leibniz. Ann Arbor: Ria University Press, 2016, pp. 243-266.
Michael A. Rosenthal
“Spinoza on the Ontology of Justice: The Role of ‘Beings of Reason’ (Entia Rationis),” in The Reality of the Social World. Medieval, Early Modern, and Contemporary Perspectives on Social Ontology, edited by J. Pelletier and C. Rode, Springer Verlag, 2023, 117-138.
“Commentary on G. Lloyd, ‘Reconsidering Spinoza’s Rationalism’: A Qualified Defense of Rationalism: On the Role of The Analogical Imagination in Spinoza,” for Australasian Philosophical Review, 4:3, October 2021, 243-249.
“Spinoza’s Idea of Republican Freedom,” in The Blackwell Companion to Spinoza, edited by Yitzhak Melamed, 2021, 402-409.
“Spinoza,” for Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Religion, eds. C. Talifierro and S. Goetz, 2021.
“Spinoza on Beings of Reason [Entia Rationis] and the Analogical Imagination,” in Spinoza in 21st-Century American and French Philosophy: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Moral and Political Philosophy, eds. Charles Ramond and Jack Stetter, Bloomsbury Press, 2019, 231-250.
“What Is Real About ‘Ideal Constitutions’? Spinoza on Political Explanation,” in Spinoza’s ‘Political Treatise’: A Critical Guide’, eds. Yitzhak Melamed and Hasana Sharp, Cambridge University Press, 2018, 12-28.
“Prophetic Style and Ethical Experience in Hermann Cohen and Spinoza,” in Jewish Studies Quarterly, Issue 25 (2018), 1-18.
“Spinoza’s Political Philosophy,” in Oxford Handbook of Spinoza, ed. Michael della Rocca, Oxford University Press, 2018, 408-433.
Sandrine Roux
Claude Buffier: Metaphysics, Common Sense, and Sociability, co-edited with Anik Waldow and Dario Perinetti (under contract: Oxford University Press).
L’Empreinte cartésienne. L’interaction psychophysique, débats classiques et contemporains. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2018.
Editor, Le Corps et l’esprit. Problèmes cartésiens, problèmes contemporains. Paris: Éditions des Archives Contemporaines, 2015.
“L’union et la distinction du féminin et du masculin : autour de l’Ombre de Descartes (poèmes de Catherine Descartes et d’Anne de La Vigne).” Forthcoming
in Postures ventriloques (XVe-XVIIIe siècles). Voix de femmes, eds. Diane Desrosiers and Roxanne Roy. Classiques Garnier.
“Nature, Providence, and Social Order: The Ambiguities of Buffier’s Defense of Women.” Forthcoming in Claude Buffier: Metaphysics, Common Sense, and Sociability, ed. Anik Waldow, Dario Perinetti and Sandrine Roux. Oxford University Press (under contract).
“La Forge’s Partial Occasionalism: Why God Does Not Do Everything.” Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 11 (2022): 67–96.
Sophie Roux
L’Essai de logique de Mariotte. Archéologie des idées d’un savant ordinaire, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2011.
Ed. with D. Garber, The Mechanization of Natural Philosophy, New York, Dordrecht, Boston, London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2013.
« A French Partition of the Empire of Natural Philosophy (1670-1690) », in The Mechanization of Natural Philosophy, dir. D. Garber et S. Roux, Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, Dordrecht, Boston, London, coll. « Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science », 2013, p. 55-98.
« Was There a Cartesian Experimentalism in Seventeenth Century France? », in Cartesian Empiricism, M. Dobre and T. Nyden eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 2014, p. 47–88.
« The Two Comets of 1664-1665: A Dispersive Prism for French Natural Philosophy Principles », in The Idea of Principles in Early Modern Thought, P. Anstey ed., New York et Londres, Routledge, 2017, p. 98-146.
Ed. with D. Antoine-Mahut, Physics and Metaphysics in Descartes and in His Receptions, New York et Londres, Routledge, 2018.
« The Condemnations of Cartesian Natural Philosophy under Louis XIV (1661–1691) », in Oxford Handbook to Descartes and Cartesianism, D. Antoine-Mahut, S. Nadler and T. Schmaltz eds., Oxford, Oxford UP, 2019, p. 755–779.
With D. Collacciani, « The Mathematical Theses Defended at collège de Clermont (1637-1682): How to Guard a Fortress in Times of War », in Teaching Philosophy in Early Modern Europe. Text and Image, S. Berger and D. Garber eds., Springer, 2022, p. 79-137.
« What to Do with the Mechanical Philosophy? », in Cambridge History of Philosophy of the Scientific Revolution, D. Jalobeanu and D. Miller eds., Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2022, p. 75–95.
Marleen Rozemond
“It’s all Alive! Cavendish and Conway Against Dualism”, (with Alison Simmons) in Karen Detlefsen and Lisa Shapiro eds., Routledge Handbook on Women and Early Modern European Philosophy (Routledge, 2023).
“Leibniz on Internal Action and Why Mills Can’t Think”, Leibniz Review 2019: 13-40.
“The Faces of Simplicity in Descartes’s Soul”, in Klaus Corcilius and Dominik Perler, eds., Partitioning the Soul: Debates from Plato to Leibniz (W. de Gruyter, 2014), pp. 219-244.
“Unity in the Multiplicity of Suárez’ Soul”, in Benjamin Hill and Henrik Lagerlund, eds., The Philosophy of Francisco Suarez (Oxford University Press, 2012), pp. 154-172.
Descartes's Dualism (Harvard University Press, 1998; paperback 2002).
Anat Schechtman
“Locke’s Aristotelian Theory of Quantity”, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (forthcoming).
“Modern”, the Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy, (eds. Kathrin Koslicki and Michael Raven, Routledge, 41-52 (2024).
“Modality and Essence in Early Modern Philosophy”, in Modality: A Conceptual History (eds. Yitzhak Melamed and Samuel Newlands), Oxford University Press, 61-84 (2024).
“Three Infinities in Early Modern Philosophy”, Mind 128 (2019): 1117-1147.
“The Allegedly Cartesian Roots of Spinoza’s Metaphysics”, Philosophers’ Imprint 18 (2018): 1-23.
“Substance and Independence in Descartes”, Philosophical Review 125 (2016): 155-204.
“Descartes’s Argument for the Existence of the Idea of an Infinite Being”, Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (2014): 487-517.
Eric Schliesser
Adam Smith: Systematic philosopher and public thinker. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Newton's Metaphysics: Essays. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Tad Schmaltz
Malebranche's Theory of the Soul (Oxford, 1996).
Radical Cartesianism (Oxford, 2002).
Descartes on Causation (Oxford, 2008).
Early Modern Cartesianisms (Oxford, 2017).
The Metaphysics of the Material World: Suárez, Descartes, Spinoza (Oxford, 2020).
Editor, Receptions of Descartes (Oxford, 2005).
Editor, Efficient Causation: A History (Oxford, 2014).
Daniel Schneider
“How Spinoza Conceives Being: A Reply to Vlasits’s “Note on an Unused Axiom,” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (2023): 44-47.
“Spinoza: A Baconian in the TTP, but not in the Ethics?” (with Jo Van Cauter), Philosophies, 6 (2021).
“A Spinozistic Answer to Molyneux’s Question,”
in Molyneux’s Question and the History of Philosophy, ed. Gabriele Ferretti, Brian Glenney, Routledge, 2021
“Spinoza on the Conditions that Nominally Define the Human Condition,” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27 (2019): 753-773.
“Spinoza’s Epistemological Methodism,” Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (2016): 573-599.
“Spinoza’s PSR as a Principle of Clear and Distinct Representation,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 95 (2014): 109-129.
“‘A Spiritual Automaton’: Spinoza, Reason, and the Letters to Blyenbergh,” Society and Politics 7 (2013): 160-177.
Emanuela Scribano
Guida alla lettura delle Meditazioni metafisiche di Descartes, Roma-Bari, Laterza 1997. English translation, A Reading Guide to Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, South Bend, Indiana, St. Augustin Press 2016.
Angeli e beati. Modelli di conoscenza da Tommaso a Spinoza, Roma-Bari 2006; French translation, Anges et bienheureux. La connaissance de l’infini de Thomas d’Aquin à Spinoza, J. Vrin, Paris 2021.
Guida alla lettura dell’Etica di Spinoza, Roma-Bari 2008.
Macchine con la mente. Fisiologia e metafisica tra Cartesio e Spinoza, Roma, Carocci 2015.
Descartes in Context, New York, Oxford University Press, 2023.
Pascal Sévérac
Puissance de l’enfance. Vygotski avec Spinoza. Paris: J. Vrin, 2022.
“Spinoza de coeur et d’esprit”, edited by Chantal Jacquet, Pascal Sévérac and Ariel Suhamy, website of the Association des Amis de Spinoza (, 2022.
Renaître. Enfance et éducation à partir de Spinoza. Hermann, 2021.
Le devenir actif chez Spinoza. Honoré Champion, 2021 (2005).
“A Materialist Education: Thinking with Spinoza”, in Materialism and Politics, edited by Bernardo Bianchi, Emilie Filion-Donato, Marlon Miguel, and Ayşe Yuva. Cultural Inquiry, 20 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2021), 181–96.
Spinoza transatlantique. Les interprétations américaines actuelles, edited by Chantal Jaquet, Pierre-François Moreau and Pascal Sévérac, Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2020.
“Consciousness and Affectivity: Spinoza and Vygotsky”, Stasis 5 (2017): 80–109.
Hasana Sharp
“Spinoza on the Fear of Solitude,” Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 11 (2002): 137-162.
Spinoza and the Politics of Renaturalization (The University of Chicago Press, 2011).
“Eve’s Perfection: Spinoza on Sexual (In)Equality,” Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (2012): 559-580.
“Family Quarrels and Mental Harmony: Spinoza’s Oikos-Polis Analogy,” in Yitzhak Melamed and Hasana Sharp, eds., Spinoza’s Political Treatise: A Critical Guide (Cambridge University Press, 2018): 93-110.
“Slavery and Servitude in Seventeenth-Century Feminism: Arcangela Tarabotti and Gabrielle Suchon,” in Routledge Handbook of Women and Early Modern European Philosophy, edited by K. Detlefsen and L. Shapiro (London: Routledge 2023): 297-310.
Alison Simmons
“It's Alive! Cavendish and Conway Against Dualism,” in The Routledge Handbook for Women and Early Modern European Philosophy, eds. Karen Detlefsen and Lisa Shapiro (New York: Routledge, 2023).
“Causation and Cognition in Descartes,” in Causation and Cognition: Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy, eds. Sebastian Bender and Dominik Perler (New York: Routledge, 2020).
“Mind-Body Union and the Limits of Cartesian Metaphysics,” Philosophers' Imprint 17 (2017): 1-36.
“Perception in Early Modern Philosophy,” in the Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Perception, ed. Mohan Matthen (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015).
“Cartesian Consciousness Reconsidered,” Philosophers' Imprint 12 (2012): 1-21.
Edward Slowik
“Body and Space in Hobbes and Descartes”, in A Companion to Hobbes , edited by M. Adams (Hoboken: Wiley, 2021): 367-380.
"Cartesian Holenmerism and its Discontents: Or, On the 'Dislocated' Relationship of Descartes’s God to the Material World”, Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (2019): 235-254.
“Space and the Extension of Power in Leibniz’ Monadic Metaphysics”, History of Philosophy Quarterly, 32 (2015) 253-270.
“Newton, the Parts of Space, and the Holism of Spatial Ontology”, HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science, 1 (2011) 249-272.
Brandon Smith
“Spinoza’s Strong Eudaimonism,” Journal of Modern Philosophy 5 (2023). doi:
“Spinoza’s Metaethical Synthesis of Nature and Affect.” Ithaque 30 (2022): 89‐112. Handle:
Alice Sowaal
“Descartes’s Reply to Gassendi: How We Can Know All of God, All at Once, but Still Have More to Learn about Him”, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (2011): 419–49.
"Cartesian Bodies,” Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 34 (2004).
“Idealism and Cartesian Motion,” A Companion to Rationalism, edited by Alan Nelson, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Company, 2005.
“Mary Astell’s Serious Proposal: Mind, Method, and Custom,” Philosophy Compass 2 (2007).
Feminist Interpretations of Mary Astell, co-edited by Alice Sowaal and Penny A. Weiss, University Park: Penn State University Press, 2016.
“Mary Astell and the Development of Vice: Price, Courtship, and the Woman’s Human Nature Question,” in Feminist Interpretations of Mary Astell, co-edited by Alice Sowaal and Penny A. Weiss, University Park: Penn State University Press, 2016.
“The Emerging Picture of Mary Astell’s Views,” in Feminist Interpretations of Mary Astell, co-edited by Alice Sowaal and Penny A. Weiss, University Park: Penn State University Press, 2016.
“Mary Astell on Liberty,” in Women and Liberty: 1600-1800, co-edited by Jacqueline Broad and Karen Detlefsen, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Susanne Sreedhar
Hobbes on Resistance: Defying the Leviathan. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2010, 2013.
“The Curious Case of Hobbes’s Amazons.” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 57 (2019): 621-646.
“Locke, the Law of Nature, and Polygamy.” (Co-authored with Julie Walsh). Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2 (2016): 91-110.
“Pufendorf on Patriarchy.” History of Philosophy Quarterly 31 (2014): 209-227.
“Toward a Hobbesian Theory of Sexuality.” In Feminist Interpretations of Thomas Hobbes. Edited by Nancy Hirschmann and Joanne H. Wright. University Park: Penn State University Press, 2012, pp. 260-79.
“Hobbes on ‘The Woman Question’.” Philosophy Compass 7 (2012): 772-81.
“Defending the Hobbesian Right of Self-Defense.” Political Theory 36 (2008): 781-802.
Piet Steenbakkers
“Spinoza’s Life”, in Don Garrett (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza, 2nd, rev. ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021), 12–60.
Spinoza, Œuvres, IV: Ethica/Éthique, texte latin établi par Fokke Akkerman et Piet Steenbakkers, traduction par Pierre-François Moreau, introduction et notes par Pierre-François Moreau et Piet Steenbakkers (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2020).
Review article: ‘Edwin Curley (ed., tr.), The Collected Works of Spinoza, Volume II’, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2018.02.25 (
Dirk van Miert, Henk Nellen, Piet Steenbakkers & Jetze Touber (eds), Scriptural Authority and Biblical Criticism in the Dutch Golden Age: God’s Word Questioned (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017).
Justin Steinberg
Spinoza’s Political Psychology: The Taming of Fortune and Fear, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Spinoza (Classic Thinkers Series). Authored with Valtteri Viljanen, Polity Press, 2020.
The Cambridge Spinoza Lexicon. Edited with Karolina Hübner, Cambridge University Press (Forthcoming 2023).
Ed., Humility: A History, Oxford University Press (Forthcoming 2023).
“The Affirmative Mind: Spinoza on Striving under the Attribute of Thought,” Ergo (Forthcoming 2023).
“Enthusiasm, Superstition, and the Anticlerical Enlightenment from Hobbes to Hume” in The History and Philosophy of Fanaticism, ed. Paul Katsafanas, Routledge (Forthcoming 2023).
“Striving, Happiness, and the Good: Spinoza as Follower and Critic of Hobbes,” in A Blackwell Companion to Hobbes, ed. Marcus Adams (Wiley-Blackwell Press, 2021), 431 – 447.
“Two Puzzles Concerning Spinoza’s Conception of Belief,” European Journal of Philosophy, 26.1 (2018), 261 – 282.
“Affect, Desire, and Judgement in Spinoza’s Account of Motivation,” British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 24 (2016): 67 – 87.
“Following a Recta Ratio Vivendi: The Practical Utility of Spinoza’s Dictates of Reason,” in Essays on Spinoza’s Ethical Theory, eds. Matthew Kisner and Andrew Youpa (Oxford University Press, 2014), 178 – 196.
“Imitation, Representation, and Humanity in Spinoza’s Ethics,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 51 (2013): 383 – 407.
“Spinoza on Civil Liberation,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, 47 (2009): 35-58.
Eric Stencil
The Philosophy of Antoine Arnauld. Under contract: Cambridge University Press.
"Elisabeth of Bohemia on the Soul." Journal of Modern Philosophy, 5(2023) DOI:
“Arnauld’s God Reconsidered.” History of Philosophy Quarterly, 36 (2019): 19-38.
With Julie Walsh. “Malebranche on the Metaphysics and Epistemology of Particular Volitions.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (2016): 227–256.
With Julie Walsh. “Arnauld, Power, and the Fallibility of Infallible Determination.” History of Philosophy Quarterly, 33 (2016): 237-256.
“Malebranche and the General Will of God.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 19 (2011): 1107-1129.
Jack Stetter
The Edinburgh Critical History of Early Modern and Enlightenment Philosophy. Ed. Stephen Howard and Jack Stetter (forthcoming).
Spinoza in Twenty-First-Century American and French Philosophy. Ed. Jack Stetter and Charles Ramond (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019).
“Spinoza’s Argument for Substance Monism”. Revista Seiscentos, 1 (2021): 193- 215.
“Spinoza and Popular Philosophy”. The Blackwell Companion to Spinoza, ed. Yitzhak Y. Melamed, Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 2021, 568-577.
“Spinoza”. The Springer Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences, ed. Dana Jalobeanu and Charles T. Wolfe , Cham: Springer, 2021.
“Un homme ivre d’immanence: Deleuze’s Spinoza and Immanence”. Crisis and Critique, 8 (2021): 388-418.
“Spinoza and Judaism in the French Context: The Case of Milner’s Le sage trompeur”. Modern Judaism, 20 (2020): 227-255.
“François Lamy’s Cartesian Refutation of Spinoza’s Ethics”. Journal of Modern Philosophy, 1 (2019).
Marco Storni
Maupertuis. Le philosophe, l’académicien, le polémiste. Paris: Honoré Champion, 2022.
"Experience, Analogy and Mechanism in Maupertuis’s Theory of Generation." In Mechanism, Life and Mind in Modern Natural Philosophy, edited by Charles T. Wolfe, Paolo Pecere and Antonio Clericuzio, 155-174. Cham: Springer, 2022.
"Denis Papin’s Digester and Its Eighteenth-Century European Circulation." The British Journal for the History of Science 54 (2021): 443-463.
"La présence de Descartes dans la Vénus physique de Maupertuis: réappropriation et critique." Libertinage et philosophie à l’époque classique (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle) 18 (2021): 275-298.
"Cartography, Geodesy, and the Heliocentric Theory: Yves Simonin’s Unpublished Papers." Centaurus 63 (2020): 192-209.
Lloyd Strickland
Leibniz on Binary: The Birth of Computer Arithmetic (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2022). Co-authored with Harry Lewis.
Leibniz’s Key Philosophical Writings: A Guide (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020). Volume edited with Paul Lodge.
Leibniz’s Legacy and Impact (New York: Routledge, 2019). Volume edited with Julia Weckend.
Proofs of God in Early Modern Europe (Waco: Baylor University Press, 2018).
The Philosophical Writings of Prémontval (Lanham: Lexington, 2018).
Tercentenary Essays on the Philosophy and Science of G. W. Leibniz (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2017). Volume edited with Erik Vynckier and Julia Weckend.
Leibniz on God and Religion (London: Bloomsbury, 2016).
Leibniz’s Monadology (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014).
Richard Strier
Editor, Modern Philology, 2004-2016.
Shakespearean Issues: Agency, Skepticism, and Other Puzzles, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2022
Natalia Strok
“El estatus de la percepción sensible en el Tratado sobre la eterna e inmutable moralidad de Ralph Cudworth”, Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 22 (2022): 139-161.
“El caballo será por fin alguna vez convertible en hombre: consideraciones en torno a la transmutación en Anne Conway”, Siglo Dieciocho 3 (2022): 59-80.
“La jerarquía de seres, de cuerpos y almas, en The True Intellectual System de Cudworth”, Bajo Palabra 29 (2022): 59-78.
“La unidad de la sustancia inmaterial en Ralph Cudworth”, Tópicos. Revista de Filosofía de Santa Fe 42 (2021): 216-242.
“Justicia divina y jerarquía: la naturaleza humana en Anne Conway” Logos. Anales del seminario de metafísica 54 (2021): 9-31.
"How good was Shepherd's response to Hume's epistemological challenge?" British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (2022): 71-89.
"Descartes and Formal Causation”, in The Cartesian Mind, edited by Jorge Secada and Cecilia Wee. Routledge, forthcoming.
Evan Thomas
“Animals and Cartesian Consciousness: Pardies vs. the Cartesians.” Journal of Modern Philosophy 2 (2020).
“Descartes on the Animal Within, and the Animals Without.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (2020).
“Descartes and His Critics on Passions and Animals.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (2022).
Pina Totaro
"Temi del Tractatus theologico-politicus nella filosofia di Agnès Heller", in P. Totaro, G. Licata (eds.), Letture di Spinoza per il nuovo millennio, Roma: Sapienza Università editrice, 2023, pp. 313-326.
"Le acque e la storia. Fossili e diluvio in Buffon", in M. Lenzi-O. Lizzini-P. Totaro-L. Valente (eds.), Fonti Flussi Onde. L’acqua tra metafora e realtà nel pensiero antico, medievale e moderno, Firenze: SISMEL, 2022.
Quatre Enquêtes sur Spinoza, Paris: Publications de l’École Pratique des Hautes Études, 2021.
"More on Spinoza and the question of the author of the Pentateuch", in A. Del Prete-A. Schino-P. Totaro (eds.), The Philosophers and the Bible, Leiden: Brill, 2020.
"Le Compendium grammatices linguae hebraeae dans le contexte des oeuvres de Spinoza", in Spinoza, philosophe grammairien. Le Compendium grammatices linguae hebraeae, sous la direction de J. Baumgarten-I. Rosier-Catach-P. Totaro, Paris: CNRS Editions, 2019, pp. 63-90.
Ericka Tucker
“Democracy,” and “Absolute” in Justin Steinberg and Karolina Hübner (eds.), The Spinoza Lexicon, Cambridge University Press (in press: 2023).
“The Consolations of Spinozism,” In Circolo: Revista di filosofia e culture 10 (2021).
“Power, Freedom, and Relational Autonomy,” in Sangiacomo, Armstrong, and Green (eds.) Spinoza and Relational Autonomy. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Press, 2019, 149-163.
“Spinoza, Religion and Recognition,” in M. Kahlos, H. Koskinen, and R. Palmen (eds.) Reflections on Recognition: Contemporary and Historical Studies. New York: Routledge, 2019, 219-231.
“Hope, Hate, and Indignation: Spinoza on Political Emotion in the Trump Era,” in M. Sable and A. J. Torres (eds.) Political Philosophy in the Age of Trump. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 131-158.
“Diversity and Felicity: Hobbes’s Science of Human Flourishing,” Science et esprit 68,(2016): 5-47.
“Spinoza’s Social Sage: Emotion and the Power of Reason in Spinoza’s Social Theory,” Revista Conatus 9 (2015): 23-41.
Wiep Van Bunge
From Stevin to Spinoza. An Essay on Philosophy in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republic (Brill: 2001).
Philosopher of Peace. Spinoza, Resident of The Hague (Municipality of The Hague: 2008).
De Nederlandse Republiek, Spinoza en de radicale Verlichting (VUBPress: 2010).
Spinoza Past and Present. Essays on Spinoza, Spinozism, and Spinoza Scholarship (Brill: 2012).
From Bayle to the Batavian Revolution. Essays on Philosophy in the Eighteenth-Century Dutch Republic (Brill: 2019).
Han van Ruler
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Dissertation on Combinatorial Art, Massimo Mugnai, Han van Ruler and Martin Wilson (eds) (Oxford, 2020).
“Philosopher Defying the Philosophers: Descartes's Life and Works”, in Steven Nadler, Tad M. Schmaltz and Delphine Antoine-Mahut (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
In de voetsporen van Erasmus (with Jeroen Hermkens) (Beilen: Pharos Uitgevers, 2017).
Utopia 1516-2016: More’s Eccentric Essay and its Activist Aftermath (with Giulia Sissa) (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2017).
“Arnold Geulincx (1624-1669)”, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy [][http_www.iep.utm.edu_geulincx].
Thomas C. Vinci
Cartesian Truth (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998).
“Reason, Mechanism and Imagination in Descartes’s Theory of Perception,” Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 2 (2005): 35-74.
“Mind-body Causation, Mind-body Union and the ‘Special Mode of Thinking’ in Descartes,” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 16 (2008): 461-488.
Space, Geometry and Kant’s Transcendental Deduction of the Categories (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015).
“Leibniz’s Postulate, Planck’s Postulate, and Divine Reason”, Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 68 (2020): 57-83.
Hume's Moral Philosophy and Contemporary Psychology (Routledge, 2018).
Reforming the Art of Living: Nature, Virtue, and Religion in Descartes's Epistemology (Springer, 2015).
"Enriching Humean Sympathy: Reading Hume's Moral Philosophy in Light of African American Philosophical Thought," Hume Studies (forthcoming).
“Mencius, Hume, and the Virtue of Humanity: Sources of Benevolent Moral Development” (with Jeremiah Carey), British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (2020): 693-713.
“Character, Culture, and Humean Virtue Ethics: Insights from Situationism and Confucianism,” in Hume’s Moral Philosophy and Contemporary Psychology, eds. Philip A. Reed and Rico Vitz (Routledge, 2018).
Russell Wahl
“Syllogism in the Port-Royal Logic.” In Sgarbi and Cosci, eds. The Aftermath of Syllogism. London: Bloomsbury, 2018.
“Occasionalism, Laws and General Will.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (2011): 219-240.
“Port-Royal: The Stirrings of Modernity.” Handbook of the History of Logic Vol. II, Gabbay and Woods, eds.. Elsevier, 2008.
“How Can What I Perceive Be True?” History of Philosophy Quarterly 12 (1995): 185-194, reprinted in Descartes, Sorell, ed., London: Ashgate, 1999.
“The Arnauld - Malebranche Controversy and Descartes' Ideas.” Monist 71 (1988): 560-572.
“Occasional Causes”, in Explanation and Causation. (Topics in Contemporary Philosophy, Vol 4) eds. Cambell and O’ Rourke. MIT Press, 2007, 119-132.
“Malebranche: The Senses, Representation and the Material World”, in Perception and Reality: Descartes to the Present, Schumacher, ed. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag, 2004, 108-121.
"Joanna Stephens and the Stone: credibility economy in the history of medicine" Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 66 (2023): 267-283.
"Gabrielle Suchon, Philosopher Queen of the Amazons", in Humanities: The Magazine of the National Endowment for the Humanities 44 (2023).
"Self-Love or Diffidence? Malebranche and Hume on the Love of Fame," with Alison McIntyre, Journal of Modern Philosophy 4 (2022).
"Absential Suspension: Malebranche and Locke on Human Freedom”, with Thomas M. Lennon, Journal of Modern Philosophy 1 (2019): 1-17.
"Amo on the Heterogeneity Problem", Philosophers' Imprint 19 (2019): 1-18.
Peter West
‘Getting Beyond the “Curtain of the Fancy”: Anti-Representationalism in Berkeley and Sergeant' Berkeley Studies (forthcoming).
‘Mind-Body Commerce: Occasional Causation and Mental Representation in Anton Wilhelm Amo’ Philosophy Compass. 17 (2022).
‘Margaret Cavendish on Conceivability, Possibility, and the Case of Colours’ British Journal for the History of Philosophy. 30 (2022): 456-476.
‘Why Can An Idea Be Like Nothing But Another Idea? A Conceptual Interpretation of Berkeley’s Likeness Principle’ Journal of the American Philosophical Association 7 (2021): 530-548.
'The Irish Context of Berkeley's Resemblance Thesis' (with Manuel Fasko) Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements 88 (2020): 7-13.
‘Reid and Berkeley on Scepticism, Representationalism, and Ideas’ Journal of Scottish Philosophy 17 (2019): 191-210.
Charles T. Wolfe
Lire le matérialisme, Lyon, ENS Editions, coll. ‘La croisée des chemins’, 2020.
La philosophie de la biologie avant la biologie: une histoire du vitalisme, Paris, Classiques Garnier, coll. ‘Histoire et philosophie des sciences’, 2019.
Materialism. A Historico-Philosophical Introduction, Dordrecht, Springer, 2016.
Martin D. Yaffe
Shylock and the Jewish Question
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997).
Leo Strauss on Moses Mendelssohn
(University of Chicago Press, 2012).
Translator, Benedict Spinoza, Theologico-Political Treatise (Focus Philosophical Library/Hackett, 2004).
Co-editor with Steven Frankel, Civil Religion in Modern Political Philosophy: Machiavelli to Tocqueville
(Pennsylvania State University Press, 2020).
Co-editor with Kenneth Hart Green:
Emil Fackenheim’s Post-Holocaust Thought and its Philosophical Sources (University of Toronto Press, 2021).
Timothy Yenter
“The Metaphysical Implications of Newtonianism,” Oxford History of Scottish Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century, Volume II: Method, Mind, and Matter, eds. Aaron Garrett & James Harris, Oxford University Press, 2023.
"Suffering for Justice in Anne Conway and Maria W. Stewart,” The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 2023.
“Mary Astell on Neighborly Love,” Religions 13 (2022).
“What Hume Didn’t Notice about Divine Causation,” in Divine Causation: Essays in Philosophical Theology, ed. Greg Ganssle, Routledge University Press, 2021.
“Harmony in Spinoza and His Critics,” in Spinoza’s Philosophy of Ratio, ed. Beth Lord. Edinburgh University Press, 2018. ISBN: 9781474420433
“Clarke Against Spinoza on the Manifest Diversity of the World,” British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 2014.